Hello everyone! I’ve been so busy since the holidays… I thought I was going to have a slight break but that hasn’t happened yet. I’ve had full classes since the beginning of January, have been prepping bowls for Mid City Nutrition’s Empty Bowl Fundraiser, and racking my brain for new products for the year. In addition, I am doing a show with a partner in June, Titled Michigan by Memory.
Classes for March are posted, along with two fun workshops. Join me for a Gnome Making Party on March 14th and a Wall Pocket Workshop on April 11th
Mid City Nutrition Empty Bowls
I’ve been hard at work making bowls, bowls, bowls for Mid City Nutrition. Empty Bowls is on March 26th, tickets are $25. Proceeds go to benefit the soup kitchen, and you get to take home a bowl made by a local potter! It’s a great event. Tickets Here
I’m excited to share my ideas and work for my show in June… along with putting a new Raku kiln together soon! Hope to see you in class soon!
Until next time,