Pottery 101- 10 Week Class April


Tuesday nights from 6pm-8:30pm.  Comprehensive class covering a variety of topics including throwing, tile making and slab work.

4 in stock



April 8 – June 10

This 10 week class will cover a variety of ceramic techniques including wheel work and slab work.  Knowing how to center/basic throwing skills are helpful.

Week 1- Designing Tiles, Pots & Slab Work – Throwing Mugs, Creating Stamps

Week 2- Carving Clay/Tile Work, Trimming & Handle Making

Week 3- Creating Molds, Taller Forms & Bowls

Week 4 -Using Underglaze, Intro To Slab Construction

Week 5 – Using Wax Resist For Decoration,  Layering Glazes

Week 6 – Sculpting/Altering Pieces, Coil Work

Week 7 -Sgraffito, Throwing Plates

Week 8- Throwing Enclosed Forms, Jars

Week 9 – Large Vessels

Week 10 – Class Wrap Up

All materials included – 50lbs clay, tools, glazes & firing.

Ages 18+